Boulders in Pockets

Hearing my mother say,"Just come home, Mad"
makes my throat swell shut
                for reasons 
                    variable over a lifetime
This is not a poem about my mother's ever-timely
                   ability to juxtapose excruciating pain
                   with the mirage of a healthy home
Maybe the poem is about that
      this one and every other

Learning to build a beautiful home inside myself
            out of sheer necessity
            at such a young age

I am grateful to carry so much home
                 inside of me 
                 wherever I go

I think part of loving someone can be 
        expanding your shared understanding of home
        to include sacred spaces with one another


Opening ourselves up to future heartbreak
is one of a laundry list of risks we take
in love, in life, in relationship with others

The most delicate, tonic-like moments
    can creep back into your consciousness 
    like a thief in the night, with all 
    the weight of an intruder on your chest

The most well-intentioned buoys 
    can become boulders in your pockets
    and only you will feel the difference

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