Fear Manufactured

It can be hard not to turn over
   in your mind the way that
   some people pay a premium
   to experience the kind of fear
   instilled in others regularly, from birth

The truth is

I don't necessarily believe it is possible
  to manufacture the kind of fear
  coursing through you when you
  put your all into the distance
  between yourself and the kind
  of danger that runs deeper than
  an hourly wage can manage

When you are desperate to close a door,
     and all-consumed by the need to
     turn a lock, and especially in
     the event that you fail to
     be fast enough... You will
     never measure moments the same way

The sound of a cast iron hitting
    the floor, and the crushing 
    silence of defenselessness before
    the chaos that follows when you miss

My body keeps score - what would I pay
   your haunted house for?

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